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MSR 2018
Mon 28 - Tue 29 May 2018 Gothenburg, Sweden
co-located with * ICSE 2018 *

0 results

People (9 results)
Jordi Cabot

Jordi Cabot


… the rigorous use of software models and engineering principles in all software …

Clodagh Nic Canna

Clodagh Nic Canna

Ocuco Ltd

… Clodagh NicCanna is the Development and Programme Director for Ocuco Ltd. In 2010 Clodagh joined Ocuco and took the role of Global Development and PMO Director. Responsible for the continual delivery and overall success of all Ocuco …

Roberto Di Cosmo

Roberto Di Cosmo

Inria, France / University of Paris Diderot, France

… the universal archive of all the source code publicly available. …

Events (6 results)

Public Git Archive: a Big Code dataset for all

Data Showcase When: Tue 29 May 2018 11:48 - 11:54 People: Vadim Markovtsev, Waren Long

… …

Profiling call changes via motif mining

Technical Papers When: Mon 28 May 2018 11:51 - 12:08 People: Barbara Russo

… design patterns in all systems under study, but each system has motifs that likely include them, motifs that do not include them at all, and motifs that include …

The Patch-Flow Method for Measuring Inner Source Collaboration

Technical Papers When: Tue 29 May 2018 16:34 - 16:51 People: Maximilian Capraro, Michael Dorner, Dirk Riehle

… and viability and discuss its usefulness. We found that about half (47.9%) of allall (42.2%) being between organizational units working on different products …

Comprehension Effort and Programming Activities: Related? Or Not Related?

Mining Challenge When: Mon 28 May 2018 16:06 - 16:12 People: Akond Rahman

… activities is nuanced, as not all programming activities associate with program …

Tracks (3 results)

Technical Papers

… MSR community.

Submission and Review of Technical Papers

All technical … EasyChair.

Upon notification of acceptance, all authors of accepted … paper is expected to present the results at the MSR 2018 conference. All

Data Showcase

… to gather.

New this year: We expect all datasets to be accompanied by the *source …=msr2018).

Upon notification of acceptance, all authors of accepted papers … is expected to present the results at the MSR conference. All accepted …

Mining Challenge

… /) framework. FeedBaG captures all commands invoked in the IDE, together …, byt not all developers participated the entire time. On average, each developer …://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=msr2018).

Upon notification of acceptance, all

General (2 results)

MSR 2018 Homepage

… composed of prominent FOSS figures. The award is open to all accepted research …| | | | [View track page for all details](https://2018.msrconf.org/track … for all details](https://2018.msrconf.org/track/msr-2018-Mining-Challenge) Data …

MSR Program

… …