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MSR 2018
Mon 28 - Tue 29 May 2018 Gothenburg, Sweden
co-located with * ICSE 2018 *
Ivica Crnkovic

Registered user since Fri 26 Jun 2015

In memory of Ivica Crnkovic † 2022

The information presented here reflects the last version of Ivica Crnkovic's profile during * ICSE 2018 *. It may not have been revised to account for their passing.

Ivica Crnkovic is a professor at Chalmers University, Gothenburg, and director at Area of Advance ICT at Chalmers University. His research interests include component-based software engineering, software architecture, software configuration management, software development environments and tools, as well as software engineering in general. Professor Crnkovic is the author of more than 200 refereed articles and papers on software engineering topics and a co-author and co-editor of two books: “Building reliable component-based Systems” and “Implementing and integrating Product Data Management and Software Configuration Management”. He has co-organized several software engineering conferences ( ICSA 2017, ECSA 2015, ASE 2014, CBSE symposium and COmpArch Federated Conference 2011, ESEC/FSE 2007, etc.) and was a PC chair of several conferences (COMPSAC, ECSA, CBSE, Eurmicro SEAA, etc.). He is the general chair of ICSE 2018. From 1999 to 2014 he was a professor at MDH, where he is still a part time professor. He is also a visiting professor at Osijek University, Croatia. From 1985 to 1998 he worked at ABB, Sweden, where he was responsible for software development environments and tools. Professor Crnkovic received an M.Sc. in electrical engineering in 1979, an M.Sc. in theoretical physics in 1984, and a Ph.D. in computer science in 1991, all from the University of Zagreb, Croatia. More information is available on http://www.ivica-crnkovic.net/.

Affiliation:Chalmers University of Technology & University of Gothenburg
Research interests:Software Engineering, Software Architecture, Component-based Software Engineering


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