Registered user since Thu 25 Jan 2018
Diomidis Spinellis is a Professor in the Department of Management Science and Technology at the Athens University of Economics and Business, Greece. His research interests include software engineering, IT security, and cloud systems engineering. He has written two award-winning, widely-translated books: Code Reading and Code Quality: The Open Source Perspective. In 2016 he published the book Effective Debugging: 66 Specific Ways to Debug Software and Systems. Dr. Spinellis has also published more than 300 technical papers in journals and refereed conference proceedings, which have received more than 7000 citations. He served for a decade as a member of the IEEE Software editorial board, authoring the regular “Tools of the Trade” column. He has contributed code that ships with Apple’s macOS and BSD Unix and is the developer of CScout, UMLGraph, dgsh, and other open-source software packages, libraries, and tools. He holds an MEng in Software Engineering and a PhD in Computer Science, both from Imperial College London. Dr. Spinellis has served as an elected member of the IEEE Computer Society Board of Governors (2013–2015), and is a senior member of the ACM and the IEEE. From January 2015 he is serving as the Editor-in-Chief for IEEE Software.
- On The Dichotomy of Debugging Behavior Among Programmers
- Code Review Comments: Language matters
- How to Analyze Git Repositories with Command Line Tools: We're not in Kansas anymore
- Committee Member in Program committee within the SEIP - Software Engineering in Practice-track
- Echoes from Space: Grouping Commands with Large-Scale Telemetry Data
- Smelly Relations: Measuring and Understanding Database Schema Quality
- Committee Member in Program Committee within the TB - Technical Briefings -track
- Session Chair of Mobile, code and SMEs (part of SEIP - Software Engineering in Practice)
Mining Software Repositories
- Documented Unix Facilities Over 48 Years
- Committee Member in Program Committee within the Technical Papers-track
- Word Embeddings for the Software Engineering Domain
- What are your Programming Language’s Energy-Delay Implications?
- FOSS Award Committee Co-Chair in Organizing committee
- FOSS Award Committee Co-Chair in FOSS Award within the FOSS Award-track
- FOSS Award Committee Co-Chair in FOSS Award Committee within the Technical Papers-track
- Vulinoss: A Dataset of Security Vulnerabilities in Open-source Systems
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