Registered user since Tue 26 Sep 2017
He is a lecturer in the School of Computer Science, the University of Adelaide. His current research lies in software analytics, i.e., the intersection of data science and software engineering, with a specific focus on advancing the fundamentals of predictive and statistical modelling for software engineering (e.g., software analytics) in order to produce more accurate predictions and reliable actionable insights to support software engineers, software managers, data scientists, and researchers. He pioneered research on the pitfalls of software analytics modelling in order to provide avoidance strategies. His work has been published at top-tier software engineering venues, such as, IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering (TSE), Empirical Software Engineering (EMSE), the International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE). He served a referee of flagship software engineering journals, such as, IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering (TSE), as well as, a program committee member and an additional reviewer of ICSE, ICSME, MSR, ISEC, SCAM, and SANER. More about his work is available online at http://chakkrit.com/.
Mining Software Repositories
International Conference on Program Comprehension
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