Registered user since Thu 5 May 2016
In memory of Barbora Buhnova † 2024
The information presented here reflects the last version of Barbora Buhnova's profile during * ICSE 2018 *. It may not have been revised to account for their passing.Bara Buhnova, an assistant professor at Masaryk University in Brno, Czech Republic, has received the Ph.D. degree in computer science in 2008 for application of formal methods in software architecture design. She continued with related topics as a postdoc researcher at University of Karlsruhe and Research Center for Information Technology (FZI) in Karlsruhe, Germany, and later at Swinburne University of Technology in Melbourne, Australia. Besides construction of analytical and simulation models of software systems, she is currently involved in projects applying architecture-based analysis and simulation to smart infrastructures, with strong involvement from industry. Bara has been involved in organization of numerous top conferences (e.g. ICSE, ICSA, ESEC-FSE, QoSA, CBSE, MOBILESoft) and acts as a reviewer and guest editor in multiple journals (e.g. IEEE TSE, Elsevier SCP, Elsevier JSS, Springer SoSyM, Wiley SME). Next to her academic activities, she is a vice-chair of the Association of Industrial Partners of Masaryk University, Faculty of Informatics (with 32 companies), and she is part of a strategic team running a non-profit organisation aiming at making IT skills more accessible to youth and women of any age (reaching to 1500+ graduates from our courses).
- Committee Member in Program committee within the Technical Papers -track
- Committee Member in SEET Program committee within the SEET - Software Engineering Education and Training -track
- Session Chair of Software Tools and Environments (part of Technical Papers )
- Proceedings Chair in Organizing committee
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